Thursday, May 22, 2014

Well I made it to the 4th week of the game, and needless to say,
I had only lost another pound.  I know... I know, slower is better.
But to be honest with you, I feel as if I will gain it all back on my
trip to NOLA.  I think I should make a pact with myself to not weigh
until after I get back and visit with my friend Karen who will be
coming in for a visit next Tuesday, the same day I get back! 
Such an exciting time for me!  I'll need to remember this come
fourth of July when Jon and I are stuck home, being economical LOL. 
So this little picture summarizes my weight loss journey
while playing "The Game-On". 
I've lost 1% of my body weight each week,
but ugh it's such a slow and painful process.
Yesterday, I caved and took a snacking
penalty and did not exercise.  I do have a
 good excuse.  I was packing for my trip :-).
Today I started kind of a new plan.  I'm counting calories.
Boring, and old school, I know!  But, I'm hoping that I can
start to edge into the "real" world again.  Have a few
of the foods that I love, not have to eat 5 times a day, and
still lose a few pounds.  Clearly my plan will not be completely
tested until I finish visiting in NOLA and then here in CO with
my friend, but maybe it'll help me maintain.  I'd also like to 
continue to exercise 6 out of 7 days, at least 20 minutes a
day.  I will also continue to stay off of soda.  I still enjoy
my caffeine with hot or cold sweet tea once a day, but water is
my main beverage.
Here in CO, we've had uncommonly wet cloudy weather.
It's certainly not the norm for us.
On Tuesday, I went for a quick walk, trying
to beat the rain.  The clouds were beautiful.
  It was pretty to see the contrasting
colors of the gray clouds
against the blue sky, and the
sun peaking out a little. 

So, um when I started this diet, I took a picture of myself.. in some rather snug pants.
They were stretchy, so they look a lot worse than they feel. 
The picture was horrible, and I couldn't believe it!  Today,
I wore the same pants again, and took another picture. 
It's not much better, but it is better. It's minimal
change, but it's change. I will continue to try to better
my body.  A lot of people say, you're skinny already. 
Well, perhaps I am, but clearly these pictures prove
I am not... and there is room for improvement. 
I just want to be a healthier, happier, leaner me!
 What I've learned on this journey!
1.  I love love love emailing with my friend daily :-)Something
that most of us have gotten away from with cell phones,
 and FB.  But, emails were so fulfilling.
2.  I can be very crabby, and emotional when
I limit my intake and other people don't.
I am the most fortunate person in the world
to be married to a man who is
soooo tolerant!
3.  Some new recipes should remain hidden
beneath the depths of the internet, and never
trust Pinterest!
4.  Cheese sticks, fruit and nuts are the
new staples!
5.  I do not eat enough vegetables.
6.  Whole grains are actually pretty good
when you hardly ever eat carbs.
7.  Drinking 100 oz of water a day is
very doable, but hard when you're
on a road trip. 
8.  I am a psychotic weigher (is that even a word?)
and I'm quite sure that isn't a good thing.
9.  I didn't miss alcohol all that much, and giving
up Chick-fila and soda were easier
than I expected.
10.  Losing weight with others makes the
task so much more appealing.
Happy Dieting and Living! 


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