Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Break Down

So, it's been a rough couple of days.  Being away all weekend, makes it very hard to come back home and go right back to work.  Prepping the food I needed to eat while at work on Monday was tough, as we hadn't done the weekly grocery shopping yet.  But, I was able to use some old taco meat (that wasn't bad yet), salsa, low-fat cheese, and tomatoes to throw together food for my fist day back to work.  I also sauteed some spinach that I didn't want to go bad, and prepped my cucumbers for snacking.
I was very grateful that dinner was already planned, and ready to go once I got home from work.  This allowed me to jump on the treadmill.  I'm watching my guilty pleasure, Pretty Little Liars, and I'm only two episodes into Season 4.  So, getting on the treadmill, can be a little motivational.  For dinner, I had marinated a lean piece of pork roast in sugar free teriyaki sauce (thank you Whole Foods).  We also broiled a sweet onion, and some broccoli.  Yes, I know, small portions, but keep in mind that I've had 4 meals prior to this one.

We also got a very weird rare snow shower Sunday night into Monday, so I have to put the crazy snow picture from May 12th!                                                      

Tuesday was just a tough day all around.  For some reason, unknown to me, I had just a horrible day.  It probably started with stepping on the scale and seeing a .8 increase from the day before.  Now increases, are not that big of a deal, but after a full day of playing by the rules, I was bummed.  Then I made a snack, and it wasn't very good.  I'm not including a photo, because my version was not appetizing at all.  Mid morning, I needed something sweet.  I wasn't sure if I was craving caffeine or just sweetness, but I had sweetness in my desk drawer.  Luckily for me, I had forgotten my 100 calorie cheat for the day, and that little box was packed with 80 delicious calories!  While enjoying these babies, it dawned on me that I forgot to get the mail on Monday.  Another blow, as if the scale wasn't enough.  Tuesday was graduation at the HS that I work at, so the afternoon was really tough for me to fit in my 4th meal.  Skipped another meal, lost yet more points.  I eventually called my mom, just to chat and catch up with her.  Yep, ended up crying on the phone terribly devastated about my inability to stick with this very hard diet.  Oh, I left out that I forgot to take something out for dinner, which would be additional points lost (because it's hard to cook frozen chicken at 5pm).  My mom made me feel so much better, and THANK You so much MOM!  We talked about forfeiting the game, but I wasn't 100% sure that I was ready to throw in the towel.

I went to bed and woke up feeling somewhat better.  I was also down a few pounds since today was weigh in of the start of week 3.  Of course, I ate sanctioned meals for the first 2 meals of the day.  Meal 3 was left overs from last nights dinner out, but it was super portion controlled. And, I hate to report that I forgot to eat meal 4.  I got out of work early, and came home started laundry, got food out for dinner, worked out, and decided to read my book.  But, I did snack on some cucumbers.  But for dinner, I rallied around and made a delicious sanctioned dinner.  I was worried Kid B would not eat the chicken, because I put a chimichurri sauce on it.  We had the grilled chicken breasts, with oven broiled asparagus, and a salad with tomatoes and green beans.  But, he complimented the dinner and ate it. This diet uses way too many plastic tupperware containers. (See my dishwasher-top rack!)  I even remembered to get the mail today, and I've had 3 liters of water!  So although I'm altering the game, and playing by a new set of rules, I hope it continues to make me the winner, by allowing me to lose weight.  I'm ok with not being the official winner.  I think my end goal is that I want to make changes that are "doable" and "sustainable".  I've always always always been a moderation girl, and with out moderation my world felt a little shattered and broken.  Another shiny glimmer of my day happened when my game friend was totally 100% understanding and supportive about the need for me to make a few changes.  THANK You so much DW!
And in closing I found this cute little inspirational 
saying that I should print out and hang on the wall of my office next year... I need to remember this.  
So far, I'm down 3.2 lbs.  

1 comment:

  1. Way to go with continuing to stick to this crazy game. I'll be so happy when we don't have all that tupperware to wash though :) But I'll say I really enjoy the healthy gourmet dinners every night. They've been delicious.
