I also prepped meal 2 and 4 and dinner #5 for Saturday since I'd be gone all day on Saturday.
Pulled pork made with lean pork meat and an onion. 1 cup of water, and 1 cup of apple cider vinegar. Crock pot meal! |
Next up, was another point loss in the game, I accidentally without thinking about it stepped on the scale twice Saturday morning :/. Point penalty! Dang it! But, breakfast turned out yummy. I had berries with an egg. For Meal/Snack #2, I made a peanut butter whip dip thing out of Peanut Butter and greek yogurt. When I ate it on Friday night, I thought too much peanut butter ( I do not like peanut butter, except in cookies). But then when I ate it saturday, again... Bluck! I didn't like it. I dipped a banana in it. Maybe a strawberry or an apple would be better, but no bueno!
Next up was my FREE meal!!! I was so excited. I enjoyed lunch with some friends at Outback. We of course started with a bloomin onion, and a side salad with my favorite dressing they have (balsamic blue cheese vinaigrette). Then I went for the buffalo chicken sandwich for my main meal. Let's say I was feeling pleasantly plump when I finished. (That phrase makes me chuckle, as one of my speech kiddos in HS, didn't know what that meant, and wasn't familiar with that term last week.) I also indulged in two lemonades, mmmmmm.
After lunch we headed back to CU-Denver to wait for the "listing" of the finalist. I'm so proud of my son!! He did awesome. He's a little on the shy side, but he handles himself, and presented like a rock star!
Well at 1:15, we learned that their documentary did not make the finals. At the time I was kinda relieved, since winning would have required us to stay until well after 5. This morning, I'm feeling kinda bad for them, and hope Dev's not too upset. He kinda rolls with the punches so I'm guessing he was fine with it. Both of us napped on the way home while Jon drove. Jon took evil pics up us sleeping in the car. I will not be posting those for your viewing pleasure :-)
Once we got home, the aroma of my dinner smacked me in the face. Wow, I had forgotten that at 7am I started dinner in the crockpot. But, before dinner, we went grocery shopping, and I did my 20 minutes of exercise. I also opened the mail (my new healthy habit)and got my fabulous new shoes for the upcoming wedding! Now to get a sweater, chunky jewelry, and a tiny clutch purse for a reasonable price, haha.
Dinner was really good. I decided to sauté some spinach, and onions with a little olive oil. We baked some sweet potato fries, and the side of pulled pork. I will always be indebted to the Linn's for sharing this very authentic NC meal with us, that my family loves! (the pulled pork recipe)
Now the very sad news: This morning when I stepped on the scale, I was back at my very same original start weight: 130.4. I hate Outback!! Yep, I'm going to blame it on them LOL. Then, to make matters worse, I have a "free" day today. I don't think I"ll weigh myself tomorrow. So far, I've had a cup of snapple peach tea from my Kurig. (Thanks Reeda for the K cups). Some Sugar Babies. :-O, an apple turnover, and 3 pieces of bacon. Needless to say I am now trying to drink a liter of water, so that I can flush all that badness out of my body before having some ice cream later. Jon and I are going on a 10 mile bike ride around noonish(hoping to get some sun), and then the family will enjoy a meal out before going back to work tomorrow.
I can say that I'm certainly feeling defeated and deflated about the weight gain. But, I'm also not going to sweat it. I think it'll fall off again, or let's say I'm hopeful. How do you deal with set backs? Any helpful tips that help you stay focused on your end goal? Are you eating or making yummy snacks or dinners, that you'd like to share?? I'd love to hear about them! Until then, Game ON people, Game ON!
Congrats to D on a job well done. Your meals always look so delicious,even your diet food.
ReplyDeleteThanks jennifer aGlimpseOfOurLife! We were so proud of him :)